Ranch Logo with honey bee. Copyright Rebel RanchTM


Penrose Colorado
6,000 feet above sea level

Rebel Ranch Cattle BrandTM

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Ranch Policy

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Table of Contents

1. Rebel Ranch Web Site & Email 5. Smoking, Drugs and Alcohol
2. SPAM 6. Hunting
3. Copyright © Information 7. Ranch Visitation
4. Ranch Security

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1. Rebel Ranch Web Site & email:

1.1. Our website is structured to be acceptable for families and persons of any age.

A. Internal links within this website are maintained by Rebel Ranch.

B. All outgoing links are maintained by third parties, and we have no control over their website content.

1.2. rebelranch.net automatically forwards (redirects) to rebelranchcorp.com for ease of use. It's set up that way, because it's easier to remember rebelranch.net and there are fewer letters to type.

1.3. Our website is secured with an SSL certificate, using "https://".

1.4. We use @rebelranch.net for our company email.

A. If you receive email from any other domain, it is NOT from us.

B. If we change email domains, the domain name shall be posted in section 1.4 (above) and on our website "Contact" Page.

C. See number 2 below for our policy on SPAM.

1.5. It is against our company and personal policy to send any pop-up/under advertisement with our web pages. We don't like them and refuse to use them.

A. We do NOT use or authorize any pop-up or pop-under advertisements with our web pages.

B. When clicked, some photos and our information pages open in a pop-up window.

1.6. Cookies

A. We don't like using cookies. However, there will be cookies for the online shopping cart system, or PayPal when they are installed. There could also be cookies from a link or links on our website. Unfortunately, we have no control over these cookies.

B. We do NOT use tracking cookies. We do NOT track your internet usage; it's none of our business what websites you visit! However, as much as we don't like it, we have no control over third-party cookies such as PayPal, credit card merchant services, or links on our web pages, etc.

C. There could be cookies if/when we add additional services to the website, such as a Bulletin Board System (BBS) or other applications. If services or applications that use cookies are added to the website, additional information shall be posted here.

1.7. On-line payments (when set up).

A. To pay by credit or debit card through our merchant account or PayPal service, they will send a cookie to your computer.

B. Please enable cookies for our website, or you cannot make purchases from our website using your credit or debit card.

1.8. Please let us know if you are receiving any pop-up/pop-under advertisement, or other cookies while viewing any of our pages, as they are NOT from us.

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2. SPAM:

2.1. It has come to our attention that our e-mail address has been circulating in SPAM messages.

A. They are NOT from us.

B. Spammer's know how to spoof an email address.

2.2. It is against our company and personal policy to send anyone any unsolicited e-mail (SPAM).

A. We consider SPAM a poor business practice, in bad taste and a waste of everyone's time.

B. We refuse to do it and do NOT authorize the use of SPAM of any kind from our ranch!

C. We don't like SPAM of any kind, including what comes out of a can! YUK !!!

2.3. If we have an ongoing business or personal relationship with you

A. We could occasionally send you an e-mail, text or snail mail message with updates on our products and services.

B. You can opt out of these at any time.

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3. Copyright:

3.1. Unless otherwise noted, all photographs displayed on the Rebel Ranch website are Copyright © by JD or Twila (ranch owners and photographers). These photos are owned by the photographer. All rights are reserved.

3.2. Some photographs and information on this website are copyrighted by others and used with their permission or license.

3.3. No Copyrighted information, including photographs on this website, is to be copied or distributed without permission from the copyright owner.

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4. Ranch Security:

4.1. No Trespassing on ranch property!

A. Violators SHALL be arrested and prosecuted!

B. Violator's vehicles SHALL be towed at owner's expense!

4.2. Video and Audio monitoring:

A. Is in use in ALL areas of the ranch.

B. Complies with State of Colorado laws.

C. Shall NOT be sold or given to anyone!

4.2.1. Exceptions to 4.2.C above:

A. Shall be given to Law Enforcement (including the Game Warden) and our attorney when necessary for criminal investigation and prosecution of incidents occurring on the ranch.

B. Shall be given to the proper authority when we are served with proper legal documents issued by a Court of Law governed under the statutes of the State of Colorado or the United States Federal Court. See section 1.3 of our Privacy policy.

4.2.2. Shall be used to monitor the livestock and ALL activity on the ranch.

4.2.3. By law, specific areas are excluded from monitoring. [These areas are not listed here.]

4.2.4. Except in the areas referenced by 4.2.3 above, there is NO expected right to privacy while on Rebel Ranch property.

4.2.5. Areas such as, but not limited to the following, may be streamed live over the internet for educational purposes.

A. Apiary (Bee hives)

B. Calving areas

C. Wildlife trails

D. Other areas to be determined (TBD)

4.3. Consent to Video and Audio monitoring is automatic and unconditional:

A. By entering the Rebel Ranch property, you automatically and unconditionally consent to our security camera and audio monitoring system recording you.

B. By being within the camera's viewing range in the areas streaming live over the internet, you automatically and unconditionally consent to be recorded and broadcast.

4.3.1. Since consent is automatic and unconditional:

A. If you do not wish to be recorded by our video & audio monitoring system, do NOT enter the Ranch property! Our gates are also being recorded.

B. If you do not wish to be broadcast over the internet, do NOT enter the areas of the Ranch with active webcams!

4.3.2. While on the ranch, remember to Smile. You're on Rebel-Cam!

4.4. Security Systems

A. ALL ranch buildings.

B. Access roads, driveways and perimeter alarms.

C. Additional security items and locations are not listed here.

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5. Smoking, Drugs and Alcohol:

5.1. Rebel Ranch is a Smoke and Drug Free Zone!

A. Smoking and Drugs are PROHIBITED on Ranch property and in Ranch vehicles.

B. There are NO designated smoking areas on the ranch! If you must smoke while visiting, exit the ranch property and do it on the dirt road! And please, pick up your butts!

5.2. Alcohol is PROHIBITED on the Ranch, except at specific ranch functions.

5.2.1 After consuming alcohol during these functions, the following are OFF LIMITS

A. All pastures!

B. Ag-buildings, barns, storage sheds, feed storage areas and out-buildings!

C. Ranch equipment!

D. The animals and bees!

E. Everything and every building on the ranch is off limits, except where the specific function is taking place.

5.3. If drinking alcohol, drink responsibly and have a designated driver that is NOT drinking alcohol!

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6. Hunting:

6.1. Effective 1 November 2018, ALL property owned or leased by the Rebel Ranch is CLOSED to hunting.

6.2. No hunting on ranch property!

6.3. There is No parking on ranch property to hunt in the state wildlife area across the street!

6.4. No Trespassing!

A. Violators of sections 6.1 through 6.4 SHALL be arrested and prosecuted!

B. Violator's vehicles SHALL be towed at owner's expense!

6.5. Do NOT call, email, or knock on our door to ask for permission to hunt or park on our property. The answer shall be NO!

6.5.1. We are not against hunting (we like to hunt too). However,

A. For safety reasons, we don't want anyone shooting on the ranch near our animals and buildings!

B. All grass areas of the ranch are used for grazing cattle.

1. There is nothing available to be used as a parking lot for hunters!

2. We don't want the responsibility, or liability for hunter's vehicles on our property!

3. The tires and weight of vehicles cause damage to the grass and compact the soil!

4. Some vehicles leak fluids, which makes an area unsafe and unusable for grazing!

5. There are other reasons that are too numerous to list here.

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7. Ranch Visitation

7.1. Visits are by Appointment Only!

A. Do NOT show up and expect to be admitted.

B. An appointment is required to view any live animals we have for sale, or to pick up animals you purchased from us.

7.2. To prevent disease transmission to our livestock, All visitors are required to comply with our Biosecurity procedures while on the ranch!

A. Bodily fluids and manure from other cattle can contribute to the spread of disease within the herd, or to another herd if carried on our boots or clothing.

B. Biosecurity is required to prevent disease transmission between ranches and individual groups of cattle on the same ranch.

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We reserve the right to modify, change, add or delete information in our "Ranch Policy" at any time.

Should you have any questions or concerns about our Ranch policy, please contact us.

Additional information will be posted as it becomes available.

This page updated 12 July March 2024 @ 1230 Mountain

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| Home | About the Ranch | Our Cattle | Breed Information | Honey Bees | Sales | Contact|

| Benefits of eating grass fed beef | Visitor Advisory | Privacy Policy | Ranch Policy |

| Pets | Testimonials | Weather | Resources | Notice to Hunters | Time Change |

| Rebel Ranch Publishing | JD, the Rebel DJ - Music & Dancing |

Finger Point graphic This website is structured to be acceptable for families and persons of any age.

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Copyright © Rebel Ranch Corp 2024
All rights reserved

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Green Geeks Seal Eco Friendly Website

  • Some items on this web site are Copyright © by others and used with their permission.
  • Unless otherwise noted, ALL photographs on the Rebel Ranch web site are Copyright © by JD or Twila, Ranch Owners and Photographers.
  • No Copyrighted material or information on this web site is to be copied or distributed without permission from the copyright owner.
  • Internal links within this web site are maintained by Rebel Ranch. All outgoing linked web sites are maintained by third parties and we have no control over their content.
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